March 29, 2015

Review: The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire

The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire
The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire by Molly Harper

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This wasn't my favorite book, but Gigi is still one of my favorite female character in this and the Jane Jameson series. I love how incredibly sarcastic she is and the relationship that she has with Iris. I wasn't a fan of Gigi and Nik's relationship though. Unlike the rest of Molly's books, their relationship just didn't really seem as fleshed out. I could blame it on the fact that they only had one book, but I had a better understanding of Miranda and Collin's relationship and they only had a novella. The connection was just missing between the two of them.

It may not have been as good as her other books, but it was still incredibly entertaining. Especially when you need something that is easy to read and won't fail to make you laugh.

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Review: Murder of Crows

Murder of Crows
Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I didn't enjoy this quite as much as I did Written in Red, but it was still a great read. My issues lie with the fact that it occasionally had the feel of a filler. As we moved closer to the end of the book, however, that eased up quite a bit.

The most interesting aspect of these books for me has been Meg and Simon. It isn't only their relationship,but the growth they are both going through while experiencing everything that is going on in their world. But as for their relationship, the fact that this author already has me so invested in their non-relationship speaks volumes for her talent. I am very impatiently waiting to see how it continues.

The other part of this book that really hit home for me was the level of the horrors that the humans are reaching in their war against the Terra Indigene. I probably shouldn't feel such a strong connection for a group of characters who would easily kill those who break their laws, but at the same time I have to respect how open they are about it. They aren't humans, they don't follow human laws but they don't beat around the bush about that. Should I be happy when they destroy entire towns in retaliation? Is it okay to wish death on the person who orchestrated the cassandra sangue to go into the meat grinders It just opens up so many questions about how you would handle this if you were in the position of the human police in the books and also makes you think about the situations in the real world. It's just fascinating and I love that despite how entertaining it is, it also makes me sit back and think about more than just the entertainment factor.


It's only book 2 of 5, but I am already dying to see where else this author is going to take us with this series. If it continues on this path, I can only see amazing things.

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March 22, 2015

Review: Thoughtful

Thoughtful by S.C. Stephens

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This pains to me to say, literally pains me, but I was not a fan. It's Kellan, so I should automatically love it, especially since I have a slightly irrational love of Thoughtless. Thoughtful, however, just did not work for me.

I think the biggest thing when alternate point of view books come into play, is that they need to really accentuate the previous book. I don't want to read the EXACT same book, just in the other party's view. It needs to bring something more to the series. The only more that Thoughtful brought was hatred. I hated Keira in Thoughtless. She was an selfish idiot who played with the hearts of two people. But seeing it from Kellan's view only made it so much worse. Not only that, it really made me wonder why he was even bothering. There was nothing in this book that gave me that aha moment. Kellan just came across as vapid and wanting something he couldn't have. He idolized a relationship so much that he took it for himself. I'm assuming that we were supposed to understand that there was just that spark that neither of them could control, but I was never in a position where I could do that. And Keira. Well, she was the same, but knowing exactly how messed up Kellan actually was over the entire situation just made her so much worse.

There were good moments though. I did like seeing the few extra scenes that we did get, but there just wasn't enough to do anything for the series as a whole. I also did enjoy being in Kellan's head for a while before everything went to shit. But there is just an overall sense of disappointment in both this book in general and the fact that even though I already knew that I shouldn't love Thoughtless as much as I do, this book hammers home even more why I shouldn't. And that sucks.

1.5 Stars.

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March 18, 2015

Review: The Year We Fell Down

The Year We Fell Down
The Year We Fell Down by Sarina Bowen

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

If Hartley wouldn't have been such an idiotic douchebag, this would have been a surprisingly good read. However, Corey was a great character and I loved every aspect of her journey. That alone made this book worth the read to me.

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Review: Black Lies

Black Lies
Black Lies by Alessandra Torre

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I'm just going to sit over here in the uncool crowd, because I did not understand the hype around this one. Again.

Black Lies was just okay. There wasn't really anything in the storyline that I found outstandingly intriguing. It was well written and the characters themselves were complex and interesting, but when you spend the entire second half of the book wishing they would just get on with the owning up to what was really happening, it kind of ruins the suspense factor.

On that note, I really would like to find one of these books with the "twist" ending where I don't figure out the twist before it actually happens. Suggestions?

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March 16, 2015

Review: Soaring

Soaring by Kristen Ashley

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Please reference every other KA book review for the last year or two, replace names with Amelia and Mickey, go from there.

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March 11, 2015

Review: Confess

Confess by Colleen Hoover

My rating: 3 of 5 stars


Everytime I read a new Colleen book, I go into it with the hopes that I am finally going to love something like I did Slammed. I'll go through the first chapters and I'll think, this is it, it is finally going happen. And then it fizzles out. Confess was so close though. So close.

Even if Colleen's books haven't quite hit the mark for me, I find her approach to writing to be amazing. She doesn't just write a book, she writes an experience. Confess is an experience. Not only did she work with an artist to bring Owen's character to life, she brought in actual confessions from readers who were willing to put a piece of themselves out there. Honestly, those confession and Danny O'Conner's artwork made this entire book. They were the experience here. They were why I kept turning the pages. They overshadowed Owen and Auburn. How do you rate a book where you are in awe of an idea so much that it make the actual writing seem a little..less? Owen and Auburn were predictable. The writing wasn't bad, it was just expected. I knew the secrets and reasons before they happened, which made it hard to fully immerse myself into their story. My biggest gripe would be the ending though; it needed to be more than what it was. It made me sad, not because it was over, but because how it was over.

I honestly think that Colleen is something special. She is doing things that should make people stand up and take notice. I am, even if I don't feel that she has quite hit that perfect marriage between her ideas and her writings yet.

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March 8, 2015

Review: The Dream Thieves

The Dream Thieves
The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

You know those books that when you finish, you sit back and wonder what you have been doing with your life that kept you from reading this before? This is one of those. It is also days like this where I wish I didn't live 40 minutes away from the nearest bookstore so I could rush there to buy the actual book so I can pet it and tell it how much I love it. Okay, so that is a slight exaggeration but you get my point.

I honestly think I could write a review that waxes poetic about just about every aspect of this series so far, but that would interfere with my listening time for the next book. I'll just cut the chase about to cover my favorite aspect so far. Despite the seemingly so pace of the books so far, it is done in such a way that you just don't care. Every word has a reason and it unfurls slowly but you are enjoying the ride so much that you actually revel in the pace of the story. Also, Blue rocks. Seriously, she's a character that I would be ecstatic to find out my daughter was reading about.

"I don't want to be just someone to kiss. I want to be a real friend, too. Not just someone who's fun to run around because - because I have breasts!"

"Right, sure. Because there's no girls in politics! I have no interest. Voting? What? I forgot my apron. I think I ought to be in the kitchen right now, actually. My rolling pin - "

Yeah, I kind of love Blue. Especially when compared to the oh so many female characters who make you want to slam you head into the nearest wall.

So, that's it. I'm off to start book three and read it slow enough that I go completely crazy waiting for September.

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