April 22, 2014


3.5 Stars

I usually avoid serials like the plague, but the synopsis on this one was enough to make me curious enough to give it a shot. Thankfully, I wasn't disappointed. Too much anyway.

Overall, this was a quick and intriguing read. It's only 62 pages, but those 62 pages kept me hooked and that is saying a lot given my attention span. The only major downfall of this for me is the fact that it is a serial. There wasn't really enough time to form any lasting opinions on any of the characters. I didn't get attached to the story of the characters themselves, I just wanted to know what was going to happen. That may work for some readers, especially those who dig the idea behind a serial, but it just frustrates me seeing as how I tend to be more of an instant gratification type person. I assume as the series goes on, we'll get more insight into what makes the characters tick and if the rest are like this, it will be a good ride.

That said, I am definitely interested in continuing on with the series. The first book gave me enough that I definitely have the need to know more. Even if it also makes me wish that I could have already had it in a full length novel. That's not really a bad problem to have.

Arc provided by Patchwork Press via NetGalley for a fair and honest review

Link to purchase on Amazon-->http://amzn.com/B00JQJ7RB6

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