March 29, 2014

In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

My Rating 4.5/5 Stars

...Smith said, "They [The Clutters] never hurt me. Like other people. Like people have all my life. Maybe it's just that the Clutters were the ones who had to pay for it."

This was one of the most outstandingly well thought out and well written books that I have read in a long time. It was also one of the most disturbing. 

It covered every aspect of the Clutter murder, from the days prior to the murder to give you a history of the family, to the execution of the death sentence over 5 years later. I think what made this book as important as it was, however, was the fact that it didn't just cover the murders, but the entirety of the impact of the murders. 

Truman Capote gave us insight into every aspect of who was affected.  The family of the deceased, the families of the murderers, the friends of both, the town, the police who investigated, the judicial system, and the murderers themselves. He was able to write this in such a way that it wasn't sensationalized like so many other true crime novels can be, but it was more of a documentary on everything. You felt like you were in there with him, getting these interviews, and feeling the same feelings you know he must have been.

I do want to say that I had already heard of the Clutter murders and researched a lot of it factual aspects of it prior to reading the book. Because of that, one of the biggest thing that I carried with me as I got to the end, was the feelings of the family of the Clutters and the citizens of Holcomb.  Their reaction to finally seeing the people who committed the murders and their subsequent reactions and thoughts toward them and their future. Every bit of the book made me think.  Every action, response, quote, etc. made me think about why it happened, how I would have handled it, about my opinions of capital punishment, the psychological aspects and possible implications of the murders. Everything.  

That is what this book so outstanding to me. Never once did I consider this a novel just about the murder of a family, instead I saw it as a novel about the full ramifications of a crime that just so happened to be murder.    

*I have slowly started some further research about the possibility of some aspects of the book being altered or completely untrue.  I need to look into it more, though I doubt that anyone will ever fully know the veracity of this book, especially given that all parties that were directly involved are dead...

Another case of Plagiarism

From Show No Mercy

"Sophie, I'm not kissing you tonight but believe me when I tell you, I've never wanted to kiss a girl more. So stop thinking I'm not attracted to you because you have no idea just how much I am. you can hold my hand, you can run your fingers through my hair, you can straddle me while I feed you spaghetti, but you are not getting kissed tonight. And probably not when I come back, either. I need this. I need to know for sure that you're feeling every single thing that I'm feeling the moment my lips touch yours. Because I want your first kiss to be the best first kiss in the history of first kisses."

From Hopeless by Colleen Hoover 

"Sky, I'm not kissing you tonight but believe me when I tell you, I've never wanted to kiss a girl more. So stop thinking I'm not attracted to you because you have no idea just how much I am. You can hold my hand, you can run your fingers through my hair, you can straddle me while I feed you spaghetti, but you are not getting kissed tonight. And probably not tomorrow, either. I need this. I need to know for sure that you're feeling every single thing that I'm feeling the moment my lips touch yours. Because I want your first kiss to be the best first kiss in the history of first kisses.”

Also. From Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover

"Okay. Would you rather I looked like Hugh Jackman or George Clooney?” 
“Johnny Depp,” she says. 
She answers a little too fast for my comfort. “What the hell, Lake? You’re supposed to say Will! You’re supposed to say you want me to look like me!” 
“But you weren't one of the options,” she says. 
“Neither was Johnny Depp!” 

And this book..

"Okay. Would you rather I looked like Leonardo Dicaprio or Justin Timberlake" 
"Ryan Gosling,"  she says. 
She answers a little too fast for my comfort. "What the hell, Sophie? You're supposed to say Mitchell! You're supposed to say you want me to look like me!"
"But you weren't one of the options," she says. 
"Neither was Ryan Gosling!" 

I did find it hilarious that I picked this up directly from Colleen's Facebook page where she tagged the author in the post.  Her fandom is about to bombard that author. 

My non-book related post of the day.. 

My Bratastic is home sick today (her brothers were thrilled that she got to get out of Saturday school and they didn't, lol) so we've been watching our favorite Disney movies/musicals.  She picked Sleeping Beauty.  I picked Johnny Depp licking gl....the John Waters masterpiece Cry-Baby.  Sadly, she doesn't respect it's awesomeness yet, so she took off 30 minutes into it.  She'll get it one day. 

The fact that I grew up watching movies like this (and, rightfully,  think they are amazing) has probably influenced a lot of the reasons why when I obsess over something my friends respond with, "Oh, that is so you".  Totally cool with that. 

Haven't read the Black Dagger Brotherhood yet?

Now's the time to rectify that.  The first seven are on sale today. And a HUGE discount, no less. 

#1 - DARK LOVER: ⬅ $1.99
#2 - LOVER ETERNAL: ⬅ $1.99
#3 - LOVER AWAKENED: ⬅ $1.99
#4- LOVER REVEALED: ⬅ $1.99
#5 - LOVER UNBOUND: ⬅ $1.99
#6 - LOVER ENSHRINED: ⬅ $1.99
#7 - LOVER AVENGED: ⬅ $1.99
#12 - THE KING: (25 March 2014)

Like with any series, I like some more than others (Zsadist, Zsadist, Zsadist) (did I mentioned Z?). I still have to read Qhuinn & Blay's book too, but I've heard it's amazing.


I CANNOT wait!

March 27, 2014

A Language Apocalypse...Scary

My Rating: 2.5/5 Stars

There is so much that I wanted to like about this book, but it eventually fell just shy of enjoyable.

The basic premise of it is the contraction of a "word flu". This really is a terrifying idea. Especially in a day and age where people are fluent in text speak, it seems like it is all the more possible too. I can barely decipher the younger generations' (I said that. It's official, I am getting old) version of a language now, so why wouldn't it be possible that it would just eventually disappear?

The problem that I had with this book though was the language. A little bit of an oxymoron, yeah? A book about the loss of language losing me because of the language. I completely understand why it was written the way it was. These people worked at a place called the Dictionary, which focused on preserving the written language and book, in a world that was consumed with leaning on technology for everything in life, including speaking to one another. But as the word flu progressed with the characters within the book, it just got harder and harder to stay with it.

I guess that was the point entirely.

If you do eventually give this book a shot, and the idea alone makes it worth it to try, be prepared for an undertaking.

*Arc provided by NetGalley for a fair and honest review. 

I don't know why I keep doing this to myself.

Seeing Stars wasn't bad but it was pretty much the definition of cliché. My eye muscles got a good workout from all of the rolling they did. 

To elaborate some, this is your typical beach read.  There isn't any drama, there isn't much of anything really.  It's just a quick and easy read, to the point that when something finally starts to happen you realize that you are already at the epilogue and wondered what just happened.

On the plus side, if you are looking for something that is quick, easy, and has perfect characters in which everything ends perfectly perfect, you've got it with this one. 

Side note..I've been in a slightly bitchy and cynical mood lately and it's entirely possible that it is affecting my reviews.

But then again, I've been that way for 30ish years, so take what you want from it.

My Rating: 2/5 Stars

March 25, 2014

The BFF and I are already trying to plan accordingly.  I need an epic excuse to get out of house hunting with the husband so I can read. Any ideas? 

Sweet Little Thing

My Rating: 3/5 Stars

March 24, 2014


The new cover is SO freaking pretty.  The old cover wasn't bad, but I love this one.

As for the book..  I loved the writing.  I'm still unsure about the actual book though.  I loved most of it, but hated pretty significant aspects of it.  I think it's one of those that I'm going to have to reread to fully form an opinion on it.  Definitely worth the read though.

March 23, 2014

In Cold Blood

Now Mrs. Dewey said, "Alvin, answer me. Do you think we'll ever have a normal life again?"
He started to reply, but the telephone stopped him.  

I guess that was her answer right there. 

I love how Capote seems to end every major section with a statement that really makes you think about what you are reading.  This has been kind of a hard read because it has been a slow build, but he writes it in such a way that you can't help but continue on.  

March 22, 2014

Thoughtless reread #1000


1000 is probably a slight exaggeration, but whatever. 

Do you have one of those books that you love, but you just don't understand why?  This is one of those for me.  I've probably actually read it 9 or 10 times by now. It gets me every time and I have no clue why. Keira is so unbelievably frustrating.  She's definitely in the top 10 of my I want to slap a bitch list (This may or may not have been because she should have just jumped ship to Kellan after the first time. Guess that would have not made for an interesting book though). And who actually blushes that much?  And Denny.  I hated him too. Seriously dude, man the fuck up. 
 I won't even get into the actual writing on the book.  Oh wait, yes I will.  I avidly, definitely, passionately, violently, madly, (etc) hated the fact that the author seemed to have just went through and found every single adjective that ended in an -ly to use in it. Almost everything about this book just annoyed me to no end.  

So, why do I love it so fucking much?  Really, I want to know.  Anyone? It makes no sense.  And it's just this one in the series too.  I've read all of them, but it's this one--the most frustrating one--that I can't get enough of. 

I guess I'll just blame it on Kellan. I loved him.  Loved.  He was the ultimate damaged bad boy for me. Even now, when I am so far beyond over the whole damaged bad boy scene, he still makes me all giddy with his awesomeness.  Keira doesn't deserve him.  

^ See.  I have a problem.  Oh well, I'll just skip off to finish said 1000th reread and then finish my other books so I can convince myself that I really do have outstanding taste in them. Even though I love, love, love this book. 

March 21, 2014

My Rating: 2.5/5 Stars

Want to read another NA- College based Romance book with a tattooed, manwhore bad boy who finally meets "the one"?  With said "one" also happens to a complete pushover with personal issues that he can help save her from, while she reciprocates by saving him from himself?  Then look no further. 

You know, I kind of feel bad for authors who are trying to break into this genre. It is SO bogged down by the same type of books, that it has gotten to the point where it is almost impossible to put out something that really stands out. This book wasn't really bad, but when it is just another in a long line of the same story it just becomes boring. There wasn't anything special about it to make me care about anything or anyone. I actually kind of liked it, but there was nothing in there it that will make me remember anything that happened after finishing another book or two. 

I guess I'm saying that if you aren't already completely over reading books like this, you'll probably like it. There isn't really anything overtly annoying (other the aforementioned pushover issues of Ivy), the writing is decent, and Jon isn't a total douchebag.  That's obviously not a glowing recommendation, but if you are one who is over the genre, you'll know that it isn't as bad as it could be. 

*Arc provided by Aspendawn Books via NetGalley for a fair and honest review. 

March 20, 2014

Amity by Micol Ostow

To be published 8/26/2014

My Rating: 3/5 Stars

I was actually fairly surprised by how much I liked Amity.  It had a bit of a viscerally poetic feel too it. 

It added more of what I actually wanted to see from other books on the happenings at Amity. It was throughly creepy and incredibly disturbing, all the while making the story very readable.  Even if you already know the story, it gives you a little more and makes you want to continue on to see how it is going to play out with the new families. 

Speaking of the new families. This follows two separate families, complete with vastly different dynamics, over the span of 10 years.-It seems the horror only happens in 10 year spans in this storyline.  Interesting way to answer some questions there.- I think being able to directly compare the happenings between the families and how different people react to Amity is what made this intriguing.  Who is strong enough to save themselves?  Who is going to succumb to the house(her)? Who is going to enjoy succumbing to the house(her)?  It does have it's creepy-ish moments, but it's the psychological aspect that kept me turning the pages. 

The reasoning behind the lower rating from me was the ending.  It was far to abrupt.  We know to expect 28 days. We know the general idea behind what has happened and what may happen.  However, it sets up for a surprise twist ending that eventually just fizzles out.  It wasn't enough to end with the bang that the author seemed to be shooting for. 

Overall, I enjoyed this. It most definitely should be noted that this is a YA take on the Amityville horror, so you shouldn't go into expecting to read something akin to a Stephen King novel.  For the genre, though, it works. 

*Arc provide by Egmont USA via NetGalley for a fair and honest review.

Happy Spring!

I'll be enjoying this small break from the most miserable winter I've ever experienced.  And by enjoying, I mean reading a book while considering the possibility of doing it outside.

Room For More by Beth Ehemann

My Rating 4.5/5 Stars

< My reaction if I was coordinated enough to do it. 

So, Room For More. I loved it. Loved. It's kind of hard to find that perfect mixture of angst, humor, and overbearing adorableness. Unless you are, apparently, Beth Ehemann. 

When I read Room For You, I really wasn't expecting much. I had been disenchanted with a lot of books within the Contemporary/New Adult romance genre. So, I was pleasantly surprised when I ended up loving the book. It was sweet, funny, and well written. Even the things that I usually get annoyed over were done in a way where I actually liked it. Because of that, I went into this book with really, really high hopes and expectations. And I was not disappointed. 

I think what I liked the most about this book, and this series, is that it just makes you feel good. Brody and Kacie both are just two super cute and relatable people. You want to be friends with them. You want to go visit them at the Cranberry Inn. You really, really want to check out some hockey games and see if you can find your own Brody (or Viper). This is not just because the sex is hot or that he is a famous hockey player. It's because he loves his girls "more than all of the zeros in his new contract" and everything about these books show it. Even the angsty parts. 

The Twinkies are adorable. Kacie is a MC that you can like and respect. And Brody is someone that you wish you could stumble on (literally) for yourself. So, if you want to read something that is light(ish), funny, sweet, and with great characters, this is most definitely the series for you.

March 19, 2014

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover

My rating 4/5 stars. 

Before I start with anything, I just want to say that Colleen Hoover gives good sidekick.  Really. My favorite characters always end up being the secondary characters. 

Maybe Someday wasn't my favorite book by Colleen Hoover, but I do think it is one that is really starting bring her talent to the forefront. She has a talent for making uncomfortable situations more palatable.  I can't say if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but it does make it immensely readable and because of that more relatable.  She always give me that happy feeling when I reach that last page. 

However, at the same time, it also kind of does a disservice by making everything seem... understandable? Okay? I can't think of the proper word for it.  Sugarcoated.  She adds something in there to sugarcoat the situation so you can willingly and excitedly accept what happens. It's the same thing as killing off a side of the triangle. It's a cop-out. That said, I think that it is what should happen in this genre so I can't really fault her for it if I go into the book knowing what type of book I am reading.  So maybe I have more of a problem with the New Adult genre in general more than anything else. 

Based on those two completely different views, I'm obviously kind of torn with my opinions. I didn't care for how the situation between Sydney, Ridge and Maggie resolved itself. For that matter, I didn't really care for Syndey in general. I did not dislike her, but rather I was ambivalent toward her.  However, I loved a lot of this book. I loved Ridge and Warren. They both cracked me up. 

"Sydney: SQUEEEE! Me: If those letters really make up a sound, I am so, so glad I can't hear it."  <-- Totally.  I've made that noise.  It's not pretty. 

I loved the love-triangle aspect of it. I know that I tend to be in the minority in that, but I love the emotions brought out because of them. I loved the idea of the music, even if I didn't care for the music itself. And I loved that even despite the stuff I didn't love, I still finished feeling that I read a good book.  

So, was it a good book? Yes, definitely. Especially for the genre. Colleen Hoover is one of the reasons that NA is readable for me.  Did I wish that I could have gotten more? Yes. Thankfully, she has continually gotten better with every book, so I know that I'll get that more from her soon enough.  So, maybe not someday.  Definitely someday.