April 10, 2014

She's Back!

That epilogue!  Emotions. I have them in. 

I'd like to issue a public apology to Kristen Ashley for my procrastination on reading this.  I'll admit that I was worried considering that I have been highly disappointed in the last few of her releases. I don't know if it's because she had the opportunity to start a new series or what, but my disappointment has been made up for. 

I actually think it's possible that Jake has surpassed Luke & Tate and is sitting mighty fucking (and uncomfortably) close to Joe in my list 'o best KA alpha dudes right now. ::pearl clutch::  I didn't think that was ever going to happen. I feel like I'm cheating on him now.

Don't worry Joe, I'll reread At Peace soon and we'll get reacquainted.  Just give me a wee bit more time with Jake first though..

P.S. I missed you KA! Dig that you're back.  Please don't leave us again.

P.S.S.  Is it wrong to hate Forever Publishing?  Because I do if they are the reason we are missing out on more of this. 

4.5 Stars

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