April 5, 2014

Veronica Mars. Still awesome. (Mild Spoiler(s) Beware)

So, this was mw when I found out that there was going to be a Veronica Mars book series. 

I almost wish I was exaggerating here, but I'm not.  I was so ridiculously excited it was a little embarrassing.  I have a huge, massive, colossal girl crush on Kristen Bell.  I'd probably have a similar reaction to meeting her as when she found out she was getting to hold a sloth. It's kind of ridiculous, but whatever. She's awesome.  Anyway, because of all of this, I opted for the audiobook version of this book since, you know, Kristen Bell was narrating it.  Who better to read a book about Veronica Mars to you than Veronica Mars herself?  It makes the experience all the better and really, this book should only be enjoyed via audiobook in my opinion.  The only thing that would have made it better was if everyone got involved with reading their own characters. Cue brain explosion. 

But I digress.  

This essentially was a book version of the TV show.  It had the same flow, the same snark, the same drama, same awesome family and friends. If you already like the show, you'll like the book.  If you've never seen the show, you'll want to afterward.  It's obvious in everything that the writer of the show was involved.  That was my biggest worry going into the book, that it wasn't going to have the same feel as the show/movie. Thankfully, that wasn't a problem.  It wasn't without flaws though.  

My biggest issue was the seemingly dropped storyline with the cartel. It seemed out of place with how abruptly it ended when it had appeared like it was going to play a major part.  The storyline shifted in a way that it wasn't a massive plot hole, but it still was a bit of a disappointment.  I'm assuming that maybe it will be addressed again in later books though. 
I also missed Logan. Yes, yes he's deployed.  My hubs is in the Navy, so I get it. I still missed him. The Skype sessions made me tear up like a bitch though. Been there, done that. It blows. The LoVe dynamic has always been one of my favorite couplings. I don't think I'll ever feel like I've had enough of them. So, I guess I'll probably always complain about not seeing enough of them.  

I do hope to see some changes and growth in Veronica and Mars Investigations as this goes on though. There is a huge opportunity with this book series, as it isn't held to the same constraints as trying to produce a popular tv show.  So, I'm curious to see what else Veronica can do. 

My Rating 4/5 Stars. 

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