April 16, 2015

Review: The Raven

The Raven
The Raven by Sylvain Reynard

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I've seen the word soporific tossed around in a few reviews already and I'll just go ahead and add that one in this one too. Because seriously. It's my own fault though, I really should have known better. I was absolutely not a fan of Gabriel's Inferno, but I have been on a PNR kick so I decided to give this a shot just in case. Lesson learned.

The worst part of me is that even if this wasn't one of the most pretentiously boring books I have read in a long time, it honestly seemed like a giant cop out of a book. It just seemed like all of the vampire stuff he took out to make Gabriel's Inferno an "acceptable" fan fic and tossed it into this book and called it a day. Outside of the amazing level of detail that he added in with Botticelli's work, there was really nothing that worked for me.

Anyway, I'm opting to go with 2 stars on this. Honestly, I considered one but one of my biggest pet peeves with any book is when an author just skips over fully researching their subject matter, and it is obvious that this wasn't the case here. I respect that, even if I disliked the book itself.

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