March 29, 2015

Review: Murder of Crows

Murder of Crows
Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I didn't enjoy this quite as much as I did Written in Red, but it was still a great read. My issues lie with the fact that it occasionally had the feel of a filler. As we moved closer to the end of the book, however, that eased up quite a bit.

The most interesting aspect of these books for me has been Meg and Simon. It isn't only their relationship,but the growth they are both going through while experiencing everything that is going on in their world. But as for their relationship, the fact that this author already has me so invested in their non-relationship speaks volumes for her talent. I am very impatiently waiting to see how it continues.

The other part of this book that really hit home for me was the level of the horrors that the humans are reaching in their war against the Terra Indigene. I probably shouldn't feel such a strong connection for a group of characters who would easily kill those who break their laws, but at the same time I have to respect how open they are about it. They aren't humans, they don't follow human laws but they don't beat around the bush about that. Should I be happy when they destroy entire towns in retaliation? Is it okay to wish death on the person who orchestrated the cassandra sangue to go into the meat grinders It just opens up so many questions about how you would handle this if you were in the position of the human police in the books and also makes you think about the situations in the real world. It's just fascinating and I love that despite how entertaining it is, it also makes me sit back and think about more than just the entertainment factor.


It's only book 2 of 5, but I am already dying to see where else this author is going to take us with this series. If it continues on this path, I can only see amazing things.

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